What's New in 2020!
ABC was recently asked if there are any new individual/family health insurance options coming to Kittitas County this open enrollment. The answer is YES!
LifeWise Health Plan of Washington will be expanding their offering to include King and Kittitas Counties (among several other counties).
You can preview premiums and coverage NOW by heading over to www.WaHealthPlanFinder.org. For additional assistance call 1-855-923-4633.
Open Enrollment begins 11/1/2019 and the deadline is 12/15/2019 for a 1/1/2020 effective date.
Pro Tips: Click ‘Browse plans’ if you want to look around and aren’t ready to login. And, for the love all that is good in this world – do not wait until December 15th to start your enrollment!!
#AholaBenefits #ahollotofinsurance #newyearnewplan #researchingearlyiscool